How do you install the N7 Pro iLink Pro dongle for Apple CarPlay/Android Auto?

 Dynavin Shop - N7-Ilink(iLink Pro dongle for Dynavin N7 Pro only)

Simply plug in the iLink Pro dongle (originally included with all N7 PRO models) into the USB port labeled "iLink Pro" on the back of the Dynavin radio. Then plug the USB extension cable into the iLink Pro dongle which can then be run to the glove box/compartment or anywhere else within reach and then plug your phone into the extension cable with your phone cable Lightning Cable/USB-C, etc.)

You can purchase the flush mount USB to install the USB port anywhere you prefer.

If ordering the Dynavin BMW E46 HVAC bracket, the USB ports are built in to the bracket so the "iLink Pro" dongle will plug into the "iLink Pro" USB port on the back of the Dynavin radio and then the 3ft USB extension cable (included) will plug into the iLink Pro dongle and will then plug into the back of the E46 bracket.

So it'll look something like this:

"iLink Pro" USB port at the back of the radio > "iLink Pro" dongle >  "iLink Pro" USB extension cable > Dynavin E46 bracket or Flush Mount USB or sitting in the glove box, etc.

Note: Be sure to plug in the iLink Pro dongle into the back of the radio to the "iLink Pro" USB first then the USB extension cable into the iLink Pro dongle.